Santa Shop 
It's almost time for the annual Santa's Secret Shop! This is a fun PEP sponsored event that gives children the opportunity to purchase Christmas gifts for their parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, teachers, and even the family pet! All gifts are only $1.50 each and they are returned to your child wrapped, labeled, and ready to put under the tree! Students will have a chance to "window-shop" on Thursday, December 5th to see what's available to purchase. Then, send your child with their Christmas list and money starting on Monday, December 9th. Shopping will be open December 9th-12th during scheduled times throughout the school day. Extended hours on December 10th until 5:30 PM will allow parents who would like to stop in and shop as well.
We need volunteers to help make Santa Shop successful! We appreciate donations of new items for all ages, wrapping supplies, monetary donations, meals for the volunteers, and volunteers to help monitor the shop, assist in shopping, and wrapping! If you are able to volunteer at all, or have any questions, feel free to contact Melany at 719-659-5860 or email