School Club & Organizations


Peyton Thespians typically put on 2 performances a year.   Contact Mrs. Fahlsing for more information.

Junior High Matchwits

Matchwits is an academic team program offered at the Peyton Schools. At the Middle School level (6th – 8th grades), interested students come to a weekly after-school practice session in order to prepare for the meets.  To join, contact Ms. Esser.

High School Matchwits

At the High School level (Grades 9-12), Matchwits students practice weekly for monthly meets in the fall between October and February. The points for each match accumulate through the final meet.  At that time, the winners are awarded.  In addition, the Matchwits team competes in the district Knowledge Bowl tournament for a chance to compete at the State Knowledge Bowl Competition held in April.

Interested in joining?  Contact Mr. Lee.


National Honor Society (NHS, grades 10-12) and National Junior Honor Society (NJHS, grades 7-9) are organizations designed to encourage the 5 tenants of Character, Citizenship, Scholarship, Leadership and Service. Students with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and 1 semester attendance at Peyton will receive an application in August and January. To achieve full membership status each student needs to complete the community service requirements: 25 hours for NHS and 15 hours for NJHS. Community service is not limited to NHS/NJHS activities. Pins and bars are awarded at the Academic Awards each spring.

NHS College Scholarship (Peyton)
Criteria for scholarship awards include:

  • NHS Member in good standing for two (2) consecutive years

  • Senior of Peyton High School

  • Superior academic achievement

  • Community volunteer hours

  • Minimal disciplinary issues

Junior High Student Council

The Peyton Junior High Student Council consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Class Representatives. Elections are held each year. The students learn about leadership and make decisions related to the Junior High for the Spirit weeks. To raise funds, they sponsor hat days and teachers’ jeans week, as well as sell candy grams. The money raised funds two Junior High dances and purchases NWEA end-of-year testing incentives for the Junior High. They also donate money as needed for Peyton families in need.

High School Student Council

The purpose of the Peyton High School Student Council (StuCo) is to act as a liaison between the student body and the administration and other student bodies within the Black Forest League and to increase school pride by connecting all students. StuCO does this by sponsoring Homecoming, Spirit Weeks, and the Drive Smart Campaign. Elections are held in May to elect officers for the following school year. Class representatives are selected at class meetings at the beginning of the school year.